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Elementele limbajului HTML Toate obiectele HTML sunt introduse între marcaje care le definesc; majoritatea acestora sunt de forma <tip_obiect> (la început) si </tip_obiect> (la sfârsit). Tipul standard al obiectului poate fi specificat cu majuscule sau minuscule; totusi, se recomandã utilizarea majusculelor fiindcã astfel marcajele ies în evidentã.


Caracteristici generale ale limbajului HTML HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) este un limbaj creat în scopul de a descrie, în mod text, formatul paginilor Web; fisierele create în acest limbaj vor fi interpretate de navigatoare, care vor afisa paginile în forma doritã (cu texte formatate, liste, tabele, formule, imagini, hiperlegãturi, obiecte multimedia etc.). HTML a apãrut ca o aplicatie ISO standard ...


Choosing a Domain Name If you wish to have a presence on the web, your domain name is one of the most important decisions you will need to make. It is the center of your Internet identity and makes it easier for people to find your site. What types of things should you take into consideration when choosing the name that will represent you on the web? offers these tips ...


Dincolo de Web Design Inainte de toate vreau sa precizez ca acest articol este dedicat celor care au deja un site web. Dupa ce ati parcurs etapele de realizare a site-ului si alegerea web server-ului care sa va gazduiasca, doriti sa stiti exact ce se intampla cu site-ul dumneavoastra. Solutia clasica este sa va construiti un contor care sa va spuna numarul de accesari ale site-ului sau sa va inregistrati in diferite topuri existente pe web...

Beginner's Guide to Creating a Website on NT Server When I signed up for a dedicated server plan, I felt uneasy, as if I had signed a loan on a used car. It's a lot of money to pay, and if you don't know much about what you're getting, you could end up stuck and unhappy. I've never had to administer a server before. I wasn't sure if it would be easy or complicated. I only knew that my website was getting so much traffic that my virtual server was creating a bottleneck.

Browser hack This file will describe several techiniques to aquire a password file just by using an ordinary web browser. The information provided will be best described for the beginner hacker, but all hackers should benifit from this information. We will only cover phf in this file but, feel free to explore other programs in the cgi directory such as nph-test-cgi or test-cgi. And now . . . get comfortable... sit back.... and read.

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